Special Machinery

Fully automated foaming machine for foaming electrically operated sliding doors

The automatic foaming machine contains a linear unit with which two profiles are glued together by foam.

The following processes run automatically:

  • the actual foaming process via a 4.5m high-precision electrically controlled linear axis

  • the subsequent sealing of the workpiece carrier, so that a sandwich product with precise dimensions is produced

  • continuing to cycle into the paternoster system developed by ELMOTEC to ensure the required curing time

  • the vertical displacement unit, so that the operator can remove the workpieces from the workpiece carrier and refill them with aluminium frame parts

The entire process is controlled and monitored by an SPS control system.


Every 2 minutes the machine produces a foamed frame sandwich part.

Setup includes:

  • Base frame
  • Various linear and lifting axes
  • Circulation system for bridging the curing time (of the foam)
  • Feed systems
  • Process monitoring systems and quality control
  • Optics and laser systems
  • Switch cabinet with control
  • Control and PC touch panel


Thanks to disciplined project management and a highly motivated team, these highly complex and customer-specific systems are possible to the fullest customer satisfaction.

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Gewerbestraße 30
CH-5314  Kleindöttingen

Telefon: +41 (0) 56 245 65 65
Fax: +41 (0) 56 245 65 66
Email: info@elmotec.ch

Designed and built in Switzerland