SolderSmart® VisionSystem

SolderSmart® VisionSystem

The SolderSmart® VisionSystem is available with the following Software Packages:

Position Correction

SolderSmart® compensate misalignments of parts by checking fiducial positions.

  • Easy teaching of up to 3 fiducials
  • After the check of fiducials, the SolderSmart corrects linear and rotational misalingment

► More output and higher quality of your soldering process


SolderSmart® stores process parameters and results on a database

  • Process parameters stored on database with export possibilities
  • Reads 1D and 2D barcodes 
  • Imaging recording
  • Process parameters and results

► Traceability to improve quality and soldering process. Keep control of your production.


Do you want to learn more about the ELMOTEC SolderSmart® VisionSystem? Reach out to us or watch the following teaser. Stay tuned. More information coming soon. 

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